The Rose Report: Goodbye Malta, Hello Spain (The Bachelor Recap)

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A mock newspaper with "The Rose Report" title and a blurb from the recap for episode 5 of The Bachelor.

NOTE: This post contains spoilers for Season 28, Episode 5 of The Bachelor.

Welcome to my recap for Episode 5 of The Bachelor! We’re picking up right where we left off last night- so check out the recap for Episode 4 first if you need to catch up.

In this episode the ladies and Joey jetted off to Spain, Maria made a new enemy (poor girl can’t catch a break), and there was a lot more drama. Let’s get into it!

Picking Up Where We Left Off

We started back at the cocktail party, where Lea has just told Joey that she was disappointed that Maria was still here and Sydney was sent home.”I am definitely trying to navigate this with grace,” she said to him after throwing Maria under the bus. Okay, Lea. Meanwhile, Madina comforted Maria, who was sobbing and ready to go home because she felt hated by the women. Madina reminded her that Joey wanted her here, which was the important thing. 

Then came the rose ceremony, which Maria showed up to with her rose from her two-on-one with Sydney. Kelsey A. got the first rose, followed by Katelyn, Daisy, Rachel, Jenn, Autumn, Jess, Madina, and Lea (bleh). Maria, Kelsey T., and Lexi already had roses from dates throughout the week, so that means Allison and Edwina were sent home. Joey then told the women that they would be traveling somewhere new this week- Andalusia, Spain. 

Kelsey A.'s One-On-One

After pulling up on a Vespa to chat with the women, Joey asked Kelsey A. on a one-on-one. The two visited a butcher shop, sampled some wine, and even threw coins into a magic fountain. Later they sat on a picnic blanket and chatted about the future, and Kelsey told Joey that she’s not quite falling for him, but might be tripping a little bit. 

At dinner, Kelsey opened up about her family, more specifically her mom. Her mom had been in the military but got out around the time she was born. About 10 years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer and passed away. It’s hard for Kelsey to think about her mom not being there for her wedding, which she told Joey tearfully. 

Joey, as we’ve come to expect, listened intently and then comforted his date. “I’m sure your mom would be more than proud of you because you describe her as someone that was always thinking of others and giving, and that’s the only thing I see when I talk to you”, he told her. I don’t think this will come as a surprise, but Kelsey got the one-on-one rose. 

An Artsy Group Date

Lexi, Daisy, Jenn, Autumn, Maria, Katelyn, Madina, Lea, Jess, and Kelsey T. were all listed on the group date card. They met up with Joey at a villa in Marbella, where he was waiting for them with an artist named Paula. The women had to write down one sentence to communicate their feelings for Joey, and then had to paint a picture representing that sentence. 

Joey painted himself holding an engagement ring. Jenn painted a surfboard (which looked a lot like corn on the cob). Maria’s painting showed the “storm before the calm”, which was her two-on-one with Sydney. Lea painted some hibiscus flowers, rosebuds, and a beam of light. 

Despite Lea thinking she had this one in the bag, Jess’ engagement ring painting won the competition. “She will never end up with him, but one can be delusional,” Lea sneered, as Joey and Jess walked off to spend some one-on-one time together. A little bitter aren’t we Ms. Bob Ross?

At the group date cocktail party, Maria opened up to Joey about her upbringing. When Maria was only a year old, she and her mom got into a horrible car accident where a “cement truck basically fell on top of” her mom’s car. Little Maria was declared dead at the scene, and her mom  “broke almost every bone in her body”.  The accident sent her mom into a “big depression” and she “wasn’t capable of being the mother that she really wanted to” be. However, her dad stood by her mom. Maria said she and her mother are working on their relationship today. 

Joey appreciated Maria opening up about something so difficult, so much so that he gave her the group date rose. Lea was not happy about this turn of events (shocker!). “My heart is in my ass,” she quipped. She thought that Maria was the last person the rose would go to, and she thought wrong. 

Rachel's One-On-One

Rachel received the second one-on-one date of the week. She and Joey took a flamenco lesson in a beautiful outdoor courtyard. Of course, they had to wear appropriate footwear, so Joey had to rock a *ahem* unique shorts and heeled boots combo. 

After practicing a little bit and changing their outfits, Rachel and Joey performed their flamenco dance in front of a small crowd. They ended their performance with a smooch, drawing applause from the audience. 

Later that night, at dinner, Rachel said that she’s a “slow burn” and doesn’t share much. However, any member of Bachelor Nation knows that the one-on-one is the time to be vulnerable, and Rachel obviously knew what was required of her too. She talked about her career as an ICU nurse and the difficulties that come with it – long hours, watching people pass away, and the emotional toll. 

“You deserve someone to take care of you,” Joey said because he’s a sweetheart. Joey gave Rachel the second one-on-one rose of the week. I like Rachel, but I have this feeling that Joey has other stronger connections. What do you think?

Cocktail Party

Shocking though it may be, we got to see 2 rose ceremonies in this episode (a rarity in Bachelor Nation). So, that means there was another cocktail party, after a quick tennis match between Joey and Jesse. 

At the cocktail party, Daisy took the time to check in with Joey to see how he was handling everything. Joey admitted that he struggles sometimes, but he’s trying his best. Daisy told him that there was nowhere she’d rather be. “Daisy is 100% someone I could fall in love with,” said Joey. (Mmmhmm, we know you could Joey.)

Back on the couch, Jess waited anxiously for time with Joey. Then Maria interrupted Katelyn’s time with Joey to speak to him, which absolutely infuriated Jess. How dare she interrupt someone to try to get time with Joey when she already has a rose? (DI hate to tell Jess, but we all still remember when she spoke to Joey twice on the first night. I guess interrupting others isn’t “disrespectful” when she does it.)

Kelsey A. tried to defend Maria, saying that it was not unreasonable for her to want to have a conversation with him even if she had a rose. Even Katelyn, who was the one who got interrupted, admitted that Maria had been polite when asking to speak with Joey. I think Lexi hit the nail on the head when she said, “Jess is just a little jealous of Maria” because of her strong connection with Joey. 

When Maria came back from her conversation with Joey, Jess could not help herself- she picked a fight. She told Maria how disrespectful it was of her to try to get time when she already had a rose. Maria asked to her elaborate, which she didn’t (or couldn’t). Then Jess brought up some mysterious past drama and a fake apology made by Maria. I’m not too sure what that was about, but turns out it doesn’t matter because Jess quickly stormed off with “grow the f–k up bitch” as her parting line. Jess’ fellow member of the “I hate Maria” club followed her (aka Lea). 

This was when Jesse chose to interrupt the party and tell the women that it was time for the rose ceremony. 

Rose Ceremony #2

Jenn, Kelsey T., Daisy, Lea, Lexi, Katelyn, and Jess received roses, joining Maria, Kelsey A., and Rachel to complete Joey’s top 10. That means relatively unproblematic Madina and Autumn were sent home- can we swap them out for Lea and Jess? 

Next week, the women and Joey will be heading to Montreal! I’m sure there will be plenty more drama, especially since we’re over halfway into Joey’s journey and feelings are intensifying. 

Yay! We survived four hours of The Bachelor this week. What did you think?

Who do you think Joey has the strongest connection with? Who do you want to see go home? Who do you think could be the next Bachelorette? Let me know down below. 

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