10 New Year Journaling Ideas That Aren’t Resolutions

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I’ve had a journal or diary ever since I can remember. When I was younger I wrote about my day in school and doodled pictures of my dog and dresses I wanted to design. I love looking back at what I wrote about then, and I’m grateful for the memories I captured in my journals as a kid. 

Today I still write about my day, and even doodle occasionally! I also like using journal prompts and making fun lists/pages to capture what I’m doing, liking, feeling, etc. Today, I’ll list some fun journaling ideas for the new year. But first- let’s talk about my actual journal. 

My 2024 Journal

I am using a Talia discbound notebook for my journal this year in the color 90’s pink. I picked the midsize option, which measures 7.5″ by 9.75″. The notebook came with 1″ white discs, but I got 1.5″ discs to use instead (also in the color 90’s pink). I wanted to make sure I had plenty of room for more paper if I need it!

I like discbound notebooks for journaling because of the flexibility they offer. Want to add a page in a certain section? Easy peasy. Want to move something to a different part of your journal? Super simple. Want to add more paper? No problem, as long as you are using large enough discs.

I’ve used Talia notebooks for years now and I love them. They come in lots of colors and sizes, so you can find an option that works for you. This kind of notebook would also be great to use for school or college, especially if you take a lot of notes during lectures. 

Journaling Ideas for the New Year:

As 2024 kicks off, many people may be starting a new journal (like me!). It’s pretty obvious that you could make a list of your new year’s resolutions to start your journaling for 2024, but what else? Here are a few other journaling ideas to help you reflect on last year, set some intentions for the new year, and capture memories throughout the upcoming year. 

1. 2023 in Review

Make a page dedicated to the year we’re leaving behind. What were your 2023 highlights? What were the most memorable moments of the year? How do you feel different from the beginning of 2023 to now? How do you feel exactly the same? Start off 2024 by reviewing 2023. 

2. Make a Gratitude List

Make a page counting your blessings to start off the year. Sometimes resolutions can make you focus a bit heavily on what you don’t have yet- whether that’s a solid workout routine or a regular reading habit. I like to write down a bunch of people and things in my life that I am thankful for to start the year off positively. 

3. Word(s) for 2024

Pick a word or a few words that you want to focus on during the new year. Maybe it’s gratitude or patience or hope. For me this year, I am focusing on multiple things including patience, gratitude, and consistency. If you feel like it, write out why you chose each word. 

4. Make an "Ins and Outs" List

You’ve likely seen people post their new year “ins and outs” on social media. I personally don’t want to post or share my entire list of ins or outs, so I’d much rather make them a page in my journal. For the “ins”, write about positive things you want to focus on or invite into your life. That could be more confidence, more cooking, more family time, etc. For the “outs”, make a list of things you’d like less of in your life, like mindless scrolling or comparison. 

5. Make a Book Log

Designate a couple pages at the beginning of your journal to track the books you read throughout the year. Since my goal for this year is 60 books, I left space for future me to write down the book title, author, and my rating out of five stars for each book. 

6. Shows & Movies of 2024

Similar to making a book log, make a little log for shows and movies that you end up watching in 2024. Then go back and write down what you watched and what you thought of each throughout the year.

7. Each Month in One Sentence

Use a page or two to list every month of 2024 with some blank space after each. At the end of each month, come back to this page and sum up your month in one sentence. Maybe you’ll write down an inside joke or maybe a very long run-on sentence. Either way, it will be a cute page to summarize your year and something you can look back on at the end of 2024. 

8. Quotes for the New Year

Write down some quotes for the new year! I like scrolling through Pinterest to find some inspiration. Bonus points if you make the page cute or aesthetically pleasing. 

9. Write a Letter to Future You

Write a letter to yourself to read at the very end of 2024. What’s going on in your life today? What do you hope has happened by the end of 2024? How are you feeling? Write anything you’d like to look back on at the end of the year. 

10. "I am currently..."

At the very beginning of the year, make a page about what you are doing exactly at this point in time. For example, you could include what you are currently listening to, eating, watching, cooking, loving, hoping for, drinking, and/or reading. Include whatever you feel will best capture this moment in time for you. 

That's all- journal away!

Hopefully, this gave you some inspiration for journaling something other than your new year’s resolutions as we begin 2024. Don’t get me wrong, I like writing down goals for the new year. However, I also like creating some pages to capture memories, jot down inspiration, and count my blessings. 

Happy journaling and Happy New Year!

New Year Journaling Ideas

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