When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 2 Recap

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When Calls the Heart Season 11, Episode 2 Recap cover image with a watercolor field in the background.

NOTE: This post contains spoilers for Season 11, Episode 2 of When Calls the Heart.

Hello, and welcome to the recap for April 14th’s episode of When Calls the Heart! The second episode of the season featured a “surprise” birthday party for Nathan and a new business opportunity for Lee and Rosemary, amongst other Hope Valley goings-on. Let’s recap!

Saloon For Sale

Lucas informs Lee, Ned, Rosemary, Mike, and Bill that he must divest his interest in the Queen of Hearts as it would be a conflict of interest if he benefited financially from the new resort coming to Hope Valley (a part of Lucas’ grand plan as governor, which he talked about last week). 

After perusing the Queen of Heart’s books, Lee thinks it might be a good investment for himself and Rosemary. However, in taking time to look over the saloon’s financials, he canceled his breakfast date with Rosemary and stood her up for lunch. Hence, when Lee presents the idea of adding yet another business to their plates, Rosemary is less than pleased. She wants to see more of him not less, and thinks the saloon will only take away from their together time. 

After Lee explains that he wants to keep Mike Hickam on as the manager of the Queen of Hearts and delegate a bit more at the mill, Rosemary sees the vision. The saloon/hotel will stay in the hands of people who want it to be run the right way, Mike will keep his job, and Lee and Rosemary will have more time to spend together and with their daughter. It’s a win-win-win!

Henry's Back In Town

Henry Gowan is back in Hope Valley after his visit with Abigail Stanton. “She is as fine as she’s ever been,” says Henry to Elizabeth after she asked about Abigail. However, it seems like this might be where the Henry and Abigail storyline ends. 

Henry says that Abigail wants him to be happy, so happy is where he’s headed. Apparently, Hope Valley is what makes him happy, along with caring for the hazelnut trees that Abigail used to love. While there are obviously some feelings there, I don’t quite know where that storyline could go… unless the show brings back Abigail in some way. You never know!

Mei Has Cold Feet

Hope Valley’s newest couple, Mike and Mei, are facing some struggles. Mei has been distancing herself from Mike, claiming to be busy when he wants to talk or spend time together. He catches on and asks if he’s done anything to upset her, and Mei very unconvincingly reassures him there’s nothing wrong.

After speaking with Faith, Mei confesses that she’s scared because things don’t typically go well for her when she gets serious with someone. She can feel herself holding back even though she really cares about Mike. 

Later on, at Nathan’s birthday party, the two clear things up. Mei tells Mike how nervous she is due to her past, but she realizes Mike is not at all like her ex. He’s not controlling- he’s sweet and kind and everything she’s ever wanted. The two head to the dance floor and it seems that all is okay again- whew! 

An Unsolved Mystery

Rosemary got scooped again! The Benson Hills Beatle exclusively published Clayton Pike’s full unabridged confession. Randall Rockwell, Rosemary’s #1 arch-nemesis, obviously has a very good inside source. Rosemary is not pleased about this but is more bothered by Bill’s comment that the whole case is “too easy”. Everything seemed to align so perfectly with Clayton Pike admitting to shooting Lucas even though he doesn’t have a clear motive.

Rosemary approaches Bill to try to talk about the possibility that the case is not really solved at all. He tells Rosemary that he doesn’t have any proof to back up his suspicions, but Rosemary insists that they have to investigate more. A friend of theirs was almost murdered and could still be in danger, so it’s more than a headline for Rosemary at this point. 

Nathan's "Surprise" Birthday Party

Nathan’s birthday is coming up, and Rosemary suggests to Elizabeth that perhaps “someone” (aka Elizabeth) should plan a small gathering at the saloon to celebrate. However, Elizabeth dismisses the idea since Nathan doesn’t like parties. Meanwhile, Allie asks Nathan if he would like to go fishing with her on his birthday. 

When Nathan drops Allie off at school, Elizabeth mentions Rosemary’s idea about a birthday party. Nathan misinterprets this as a sign that Allie is planning a surprise birthday party for him, and Elizabeth is in on it. Despite Elizabeth’s insistence that there is no such party, Nathan is sold on the idea that Allie asking him on a fishing trip is just a cover-up for a big surprise. 

Elizabeth eventually tells Allie that Nathan is expecting a party, but assures her that he doesn’t really want one. However, Allie doesn’t want to disappoint her dad, so she and Rosemary convince Elizabeth to help plan a party for him. Later on, Elizabeth paints a banner for said party while Jack makes Nathan a card with an adorable drawing of Nathan, Jack, Elizabeth, Allie, and Scout all together- looks like a bit of foreshadowing to me. 

With the help of some of our Hope Valley favorites, Nathan’s “surprise” party is a success. The birthday boy actually enjoys himself, despite being a self-proclaimed party hater. He and Elizabeth even have a little moment when they both step outside for some fresh air. 

However, they are interrupted by loud singing of “For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow” coming from inside the saloon. One would assume that this is meant for Nathan since it’s his birthday. However, when Elizabeth and Nathan walk back into the saloon, they see that their friends are actually singing the tune to Governor Lucas Bouchard, who is standing on the hotel steps. 

Elizabeth looks shocked but pleased to see Lucas, and Nathan looks surprised and….. less than pleased. Perhaps he doesn’t want Elizabeth’s charming and handsome ex who saved the town from certain ruin back around her in Hope Valley again? Can’t really blame the guy. 

Looking Ahead To Next Week

That’s it for tonight’s episode, Hearties! Lucas is back in town, and it looks like we may get to see a jealous Nathan next week. What does Lucas want to ask Elizabeth at the schoolhouse? Will Bill and Rosemary continue to look into Lucas’ shooting? I guess we’ll find out next week when you join me for another recap!

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