When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 11 Recap

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When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 11 Recap

NOTE: This post contains spoilers for Season 11, Episode 11 of When Calls the Heart.

Hello, Hearties! Welcome to the recap for June 16th’s episode of When Calls the Heart, titled “Run to You”. This episode had a lot (like A LOT) going on- a hostage situation, a shocking twist, a proposal, and more. Let’s recap!

Secrets and a New Partnership

Something is going on in Hope Valley, but Rosemary and Elizabeth can’t pinpoint exactly what it is. Nathan, Bill, and Henry have been quite preoccupied lately. As viewers, we know this is because of developments in last week’s episode, which I highly recommend catching up on if you missed it. Rosemary has also published that the resort project has been canceled because, as Lucas told her, it is no longer financially viable. Does Rosemary buy that reason? Absolutely not. 

Rosemary is frustrated because of Bill’s sudden lack of interest in the shooting case. Henry also turned her down when she requested a follow-up interview with Lucas, and she thinks there’s something fishy about all of the secretiveness going on. She spots Bill in the street and demands that he talk to her- she knows that Lucas didn’t give her the real reason for the resort being canceled. Bill insists that she needs to trust him and tells her nothing more about the resort or Casimir Shaw.

Bill tells her she has a visitor and Rosemary turns to find her #1 arch-nemesis, Randall Rockwell, waiting to see her. In The Valley Voice office, Randall admits that his source who gave him all the info on Clayton Pike and other parts of the shooting may have been leading him on a wild goose chase. Although Rosemary urges him to go to the police with whatever information he has, Randall wants to publish an exposé together. Shockingly, he wants them to be partners and offers all of his research on his source as a way to persuade Rosemary to work with him.

A bit later, Rosemary and Randall sit down in the cafe to speak with Lucas. Rosemary begins to ask him about the shooting, but Lucas tells her he will talk about anything with them other than the shooting. Then Lucas abruptly leaves.

Welcome to Hope Valley, Casimir Shaw

In Nathan’s office, Bill is trying to make a call but can’t because the phone lines are down in Hope Valley (keep this in mind as we go on). The two discuss Casimir Shaw, who came out of nowhere a few years ago and apparently controls the rum-running in the northwest. There’s no photo of him and no one has ever seen him, except Lucas. So all they have to go on is his description of the man from the night of the shooting- heavy-set and middle-aged. 

Nathan says that Lucas does not want word to get about this situation, so he won’t let Nathan call in backup. Bill thinks that Rosemary should know about all this, but Nathan disagrees. If Bill tells Rosemary, Rosemary will tell Elizabeth, and Nathan hasn’t told Elizabeth anything about this situation yet. 

As Lucas leaves the cafe, he spots Jeanette’s vehicle. She’s back to speak with him, and he meets with her in his office. Jeanette tells him that Shaw is still willing to work with him, he just has a few demands. In fact, Shaw is on his way to Hope Valley now. If Lucas doesn’t cooperate, Jeanette fears that Shaw will hurt Lucas and the town he loves so much.  

Nathan, Henry, and Bill burst into the office, as Henry had seen Jeanette walking into the saloon and notified them that she was back in town. Although Jeanette doesn’t want him to say anything, Lucas tells them Casimir Shaw is on his way to town. Bill grabs Mike and Lee on his way out of the saloon to help secure the roads. Through a telescope, we see that Shaw is watching the town from its outskirts. 

Back in Lucas’ office, Jeanette again tries to convince Lucas to cut a deal with Shaw. Lucas, however, insists that doing business with Shaw goes against everything he stands for. Jeanette replies that it’s only business, and reminds him that he once told her that they could be anyone they wanted. Lucas tells her he wants to be a good and honest man. He’s not the man she used to know.

Jeanette leaves the saloon and stands in the middle of the main street in Hope Valley. She takes out a mirror to seemingly use to apply lipstick, but she actually signals to Shaw with it. The two are clearly in cahoots! Jeanette also sees Rosemary and Randall head into The Valley Voice office. Meanwhile, Lucas heads out to find Bill and Nathan.

In The Valley Voice, Randall and Rosemary discuss the info they do know about the case. Randall admits that he never actually met his source- they only ever mailed him information. He also tells Rosemary about a threatening letter sent to him by said source, and Rosemary is angry that Randall only wanted to work on a piece with her for The Valley Voice in order to protect himself. Exposing his source under her byline would limit the risk to him and his family, but obviously put Rosemary and her own family in danger. 

Just as Randall goes to leave the office, he spots a hotel receipt sitting on Rosemary’s desk. Immediately he recognizes the handwriting as that of his source. The hotel receipt belongs to none other than Jeanette Aucoin.

Will the Real Casimir Shaw Please Stand Up?

Although the saloon is “closed”, Rosemary enters anyway in hopes of finding Lucas to let him know what she has learned about Jeanette. Instead, she sees Jeanette herself standing at the bar. As Rosemary turns to leave, Jeanette asks what Randall has been telling her. Rosemary asks whether she is actually Randall’s source, and Jeanette confirms that she is before asking to explain herself. 

Jeanette tells Rosemary that she was forced into all of this by Shaw, and would never hurt Lucas. She talks about how Lucas remembers everything now about the shooting and is shocked when she realizes Rosemary knew nothing about any of it. Again, she insists that Shaw is the one behind everything. However, Rosemary mentions that she saw the note to Randall and it clearly came from Jeanette, not Shaw. At that moment, Shaw enters the saloon. 

Shaw holds Rosemary at gunpoint until Jeanette tells him to put the gun away. Then she lets him know that Lucas has failed to see reason. Shaw wants to “take care” of Lucas, but Jeanette tells him to leave that to her. Who’s the one giving orders here? It sure doesn’t look like it’s Shaw.

Elizabeth enters the saloon, looking for Rosemary. Immediately, Rosemary yells for her to run, but it’s too late. Shaw is hiding behind the door and takes Elizabeth hostage as well. 

On a road leading out of Hope Valley, Randall drives up to Nathan, Bill, and Lucas and tells them that he and Rosemary believe Jeanette Aucoin was responsible for Lucas’ shooting. Bill and Nathan tell him that they think Casimir Shaw is really the mastermind behind the entire thing, but Randall doesn’t believe his source was being influenced in any way. He shows them the threatening note he received, and Lucas confirms it is in Jeanette’s handwriting. “What if Jeanette wasn’t his victim, what if they’re partners?” Nathan wonders. 

Lucas thinks it’s bigger than that. “You can be anyone you want, that’s what I told her,” Lucas says, but he didn’t think she would take him literally.

Back in the saloon, Rosemary is saying that it’s very clear who is calling the shots and it’s not the man being referred to as Casimir Shaw. Jeanette warns her that there’s such a thing as being too clever for your own good. 

In two different places, Lucas and Rosemary come to the same conclusion. Casimir Shaw has never been photographed or seen before because he does not exist. Jeanette Aucoin is Casimir Shaw. “Bravo,” Jeanette (or Shaw) tells Rosemary.

Shaw Vs. Hope Valley

Nathan, Bill, and Lucas have made their way back to town, which seems to have taken some time as it’s now dark out. Bill peeks into the saloon window and sees that Jeanette and her accomplice are holding Elizabeth and Rosemary hostage. Nathan lunges forward to enter the saloon, but Bill stops him. They need a plan. 

Jeanette tells Rosemary and Elizabeth that it’s time to leave. As they walk toward the saloon doors, Lucas enters and greets Jeanette before asking her whether she prefers to go by Mr. Shaw. He tells her that she can still get out of this since she wasn’t the one who actually shot him. Jeanette says he’s right- she was the one who saved him. 

Here comes another flashback! On the night of the shooting, we see Jeanette’s lackey shoot Lucas in the leg and then aim at his heart to finish him off. Jeanette pushes the gun aside just in time, saving Lucas’ life. Clearly someone still has a soft spot for her old flame!

Back in the present, Nathan is climbing in one of the saloon windows. “Put the gun down,” he shouts while taking aim at Jeanette’s accomplice. At the same time, Bill emerges through the saloon doors and disarms the man from behind. However, Bill and Nathan don’t account for the fact that Jeanette is holding a small gun, which she draws and aims at Lucas. 

Her accomplice grabs Bill’s gun and aims it at Elizabeth. He takes Elizabeth up the saloon stairs as Mountie reinforcements roll into town. “There’s no escape, Jeanette,” Lucas tells her. 

Rosemary throws a gun to Bill, who then aims it at Jeanette. This allows Nathan and Rosemary to flee, with Nathan immediately going after Elizabeth up the saloon stairs. Before Bill can shoot Jeanette, Lucas steps between them. With Jeanette’s gun pointed directly at his chest, Lucas attempts to reason with her. 

“I know you won’t shoot me, Jeanette,” Lucas says. He tells her that he underestimated her. She had to become Shaw because no one would take her seriously, even him. It’s not too late for her though. She may have made mistakes in the past but this isn’t her. “Don’t pretend to know me,” says Jeanette. 

“But I do know you,” Lucas tells her. “I know the best of you, Jeanette.” A tear slips down Jeanette’s face as her hand holding the gun begins to fall. Lucas grabs the gun and pushes it down before hugging Jeanette. 

Upstairs, Nathan catches up with Jeanette’s accomplice and Elizabeth on the saloon’s upper balcony. Mounties have guns trained on the accomplice, but he still has his gun on Elizabeth. To try to diffuse the situation, Nathan drops his weapon. 

He then motions with his eyes that he and Elizabeth should jump off the balcony to escape, which they do when Bill distracts Jeanette’s accomplice. Conveniently, they land in a truck bed full of hay, lying side by side. Bill tells Jeanette’s accomplice to drop his gun, and he does. 

As Jeanette is being escorted away by a Mountie, Lucas asks her why she came back to Hope Valley. “We all have our weaknesses, Cherie,” Jeanette replies. 

Will You Marry Me?

In the midst of all the drama during this episode, Mei receives a letter from her brother, Bo, who has been at sea for years. He says in his letter that he will soon be in Cape Fullerton for a few days. Mike offers to join Mei to go visit him, and Mei is excited because she doesn’t know how long it will be before they’ll see him again. 

Later in the episode, Mike and Mei are taking a walk together. Mike asks Mei if Bo could perhaps visit Hope Valley, instead of them traveling to visit him in Cape Fullerton. Mei thinks it’s a great idea. 

Then Mike tells her that he knows it may be years until she has family in town again as he sinks onto one knee. Mike loves her and with Bo able to visit, the time just feels right to ask her to marry him. Mei says yes, and the two embrace. 

Looks like we’ll be ending the season with a wedding, Hearties!

A Declaration of Love (Finally)

Nathan and Elizabeth have been interrupted time and time again over the course of this season. From looks across the room to dancing in the saloon, we all know exactly how these two love birds feel about each other. That’s why, at the beginning of this episode, Rosemary questions why Elizabeth is going so, so slow with Nathan. Isn’t there such a thing as going too slow?

Elizabeth tells her that the timing just hasn’t worked out- there was Tom’s visit and then Nathan was so focused on Allie and… Rosemary’s not really buying it. She asks Elizabeth what’s holding her back now, and Elizabeth replies that nothing is. 

Nathan has a similar conversation with Bill in his office, and Bill reminds him of the old adage “nothing ventured, nothing gained”. However, Nathan notes that the last time he “ventured” it didn’t go very well for him. Obviously, Nathan is referring to the time when Elizabeth chose Lucas at the end of season 8, telling Nathan that she loves him but isn’t in love with him. Nathan says he’s going to let Elizabeth take the lead this time. 

After these respective conversations take place, Elizabeth approaches Nathan outside his office and (somewhat clumsily) asks him if he would like to join her for a horse ride. Nathan, of course, says yes and the two agree to meet at the stables later on. Maybe they’ll finally be able to have some time together without being interrupted! 

Or not… 

Elizabeth joins Nathan at the stables later, and Nathan notes that their timing has been off lately. “My timing has not been the greatest,” Nathan trails off, and it’s clear that he’s not just talking about their recent interruptions. Elizabeth’s face drops, seemingly picking up what he’s really referencing. However, she doesn’t have a chance to say anything else to him as Henry calls Nathan away to meet with Lucas. 

Later, after all of the Casimir Shaw drama ends with Jeanette and her lackey’s arrests, Nathan visits Elizabeth’s house as she is writing in her journal on her front porch. Elizabeth immediately wants to address his comment in the barn about their bad timing and Nathan tries to interrupt her by telling her it was a bad joke. However, Elizabeth urges him to just let her say this:

“I am so sorry for hurting you, for letting fear get in the way. If you only knew how my heart lifts when I think of you, and I think of you often. About the way you’ve always been honest with me, and gently encouraged me to be honest with myself. The way you always seem to know when there’s something on my mind. The way your brow furrows when there’s something on yours. You are a good man, an impeccable man. You are a man who looks distractingly good in surge or suspenders. It’s your eyes I look for across a crowded room. It’s your heart that makes me feel brave. You feel like home to me. I couldn’t say it before, I wouldn’t let myself. So let me tell you now. Nathan, I’m in love with you. (*long pause*) Say something please.”

But Nathan doesn’t say something right away. Instead, he steps forward and kisses Elizabeth. (FINALLY!) “I have never stopped loving you, not for a single second,” Nathan tells her. 

Other Notes

This episode was certainly jam-packed with drama, love, and other developments in key storylines from the season. Still, there are a few other important items to include in this recap…

  • Now that the resort is officially a no-go, Hope Valley and Benson Hills will not be merging. No more Co-Mayors! 

  • Edwin is looking for a new position in Capital City and has left Hope Valley. (Yay! I never liked or trusted that guy.) Lucas is glad he quit since Edwin seemed much too focused on the next election. 

  • Joseph and Minnie gifted Lily a nightlight with star cutouts to simulate the view of the night sky she saw every night at her grandma’s house. 

That's it for the penultimate episode of season 11, Hearties!

This recap is so long that I think it requires its own mini recap- Jeanette Aucoin is Casimir Shaw, and she and her accomplice have been arrested after taking Rosemary and Elizabeth hostage. Mike proposed to Mei, and she said yes! Elizabeth and Nathan confessed their love to one another before finally kissing for the first time. Edwin has left town, and Hope Valley is no longer merging with Benson Hills. What an episode that was! What was your favorite part, Hearties? Let me down below. 

Can you believe that next week is the season finale? I feel like this season just started, and now here we are. Next week’s episode looks like an uplifting end to the season with Mike and Mei’s wedding, a visit from Fiona, and more sweet moments between Nathan and Elizabeth. Join me for the last recap of the season next week!

If you need to catch up on season 11, check out my previous When Calls the Heart recaps below: 

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